Thursday, January 31, 2008

Short break... and then...

Started writing back stories that I may or may not use in the book at some point, or only infer to it. It's been hard to make inferences when I don't even have the subject quite straight in my head. So, in writing it all out, I not only get the kinks worked out, but also it solidifies things so that I don't forget what the facts are and have inconsistencies. So that I don't say, "Old so and so, who is from the south land..." when the reader looks up in puzzlement and says, "But I thought old so and so was from the north land."
Which often happens when one's short term memory take a small vacation. Or runs away completely... to which I have to call it back with much cajoling and many treats.
I finally got my hands on the latest Harry Potter book, Deathly Hallows, but my son spotted it and is now plowing neatly through it. He's quite the reader when he gets interested in something.
Anyway, back to backstories, I realize that in finally working out the back stories, I will have to rewrite the first chapter. But I think it will all be worth it.
Strangely enough, I've come to love the process of writing and story crafting, and not just be champing for the finish.

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