Friday, August 15, 2008


Starting in on the refining of the story now, and there's times when it gets rather difficult. Some days words don't come to me easily. It's like trying to run through clam flats, rather slow and sticky. But if I stand still I'll start sinking, and get even more stuck.
Time to go draw on inspiration.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Now that I have 98% of the plot worked out, I can now start going into details. Like adjusting the voice for each section, adding more details, delving into the imagination...
I sat in my car in the parking lot at Borders last night waiting for my daughter to pick up her midnight release of Stephanie Meyers' book Breaking Dawn, (which is her latest book in the Twilight series) and I worked on revising the manuscript from the beginning, on my laptop with one of those USB powered LED lights so I could see the keyboard. It was getting rather exciting, but then my arms got kind of uncomfortable from the side position, as it wouldn't fit in front of the steering wheel, it was too high, and people could see me obviously working on my laptop on my car, and it attracted too much attention. So, it was on the passenger seat. Then I played with my phone and learned to surf the web and type using the phone keypad. Rather tricky, but interesting to learn.