Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Word count...

Not a big deal, since it's quality, not quantity I'm looking for, eventually. But still filling in parts, and presently the post count is at 75357. :D

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Back in actual writing mode.
Added a number of new words to the main manuscript for Fall of the Onyx, and it's going well. Word count now at 71213, at this moment.
Writing fiction is a lot like looking for gold. Sometimes one has to dig around a bit and do a lot of backbreaking work, in a manner of speaking, and sometimes you just sit quietly by a stream and pan and the stuff just appears, gleaming, from among the grains of sand.
This is all about putting the bricks together, and pressing them into the mortar to add to the building. So that the story looks less like a pile of bricks, and more like a proper structure. :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Whew, it's been a while since an update, but nothing new to really write about, other than the continued working through of plots and even working farther ahead in the timeline, so as to keep it consistent.
Plus I've been doing more research.
I long to work on the manuscript more tonight, I need to get a newer revised manuscript version done because the original one is quite a mess with the added notes written in and all the markups. So much for single pass editing.
Besides, if this manuscript for some reason got lost or destroyed, I wouldn't have backup copy stored in memory anywhere, and I'd lose a lot of work. That's the drawback of handwritten notes. :)